
  • Fender:

    Stratocaster - American Made, Available in SSS or HSS configurations.

    Telecaster - American Made


    SG - Available in humbucker or P90 configurations.


    Les Paul Classic

    Les Paul Custom

    SJ-200 Acoustic

    J-45 Acoustic


    GT5422 - Double Cutaway Hollowbody Electric 12-String


    JF30 - 12-String Acoustic


    D28 - Acoustic / Electric

    J16E - 12-String Acoustic


    Celebrity - Acoustic / Electric


    EF-341 SC - Acoustic/Electric

    EG-344 - Acoustic/Electric

    P-3FCN - Acoustic/Electric Nylon 6-String


    210 CE - Acoustic 6-String

    310 CE - Acoustic 6-String

    414 CE - Acoustic 6-String

    614 CE - Acoustic 6-String

    714 CE - Acoustic 6-String


    CG-150CCE - Nylon Acoustic/Electric

  • Fender:

    Precision 73’

    Precision - Newest in 4 or 5 strings

    Jazz Bass - 4 or 5 strings


    AEB10E - Acoustic 4-String


    Cutlass I - 4-string Bass

    Stingray - 4-string Bass

    Stingray - 5-string Bass


    Tobias - 4-string Active Bass

    Upright Basses:

    3/4 Scale German Upright w/ steel strings, adjustable bridge, and pickup/bow

    3/4 Scale Czech Upright w/ steel strings, adjustable bridge, and pickup/bow

    3/4 Scale Cremona Sb-2 Laminated Upright bass


    Englehardt Model 110

  • Fender Combo Amplifiers:

    Acoustasonic Jr. 2 x 8" w/ Tweeter 40-watt

    Bassman ‘59 Reissue 4 x 10” 45-watt Combo

    Blues Jr. 1 x 12" 15-watt

    Blues Deluxe 1 x 12" 40-watt

    Blues Deville 4 x 10" 60-watt

    Deluxe Reverb Blackface Re-Issue 1 x 12" 22-watt

    Hot Rod Deluxe 1 x 12" 40-watt

    Hot Rod Deluxe III 1 x 12" 40-watt

    Hot Rod Deluxe IV 1 x 12" 40-watt

    Hot Rod Deville II x 12" 60-watt

    Hot Rod Deville III 2 x 12" 60-watt

    Hot Rod Deville IV x 10" 60-watt

    Mustang GT-100 1 x 12" 100-watt Solid State

    Princeton Reverb '65 Hand-Wired Re-Issue 1 x 10 12-watt

    Princeton Reverb '65 Re-Issue 1 x 10" 12-watt

    Princeton Reverb '68 Custom 1 x 10" 12-watt

    Super Amp 4 x 10" 85-watt

    Super Reverb Reissue 4 x 10" 45 watts

    Twin Reverb '65 Reissue 2 x 12" 85-watt

    The Twin (Red Knob) 2 x 12" 100-watt

    Twin - Silverface 2 X 12" 100 - 135-watt

    Vibro King 3 X 10" 60-watt

    Vibrolux 2 x 10" 40-watt

    63 Reverb Tank - Reissue Reverb Tank with Tube Pro


    Loudbox Artist PRO-LBX-600 8" 120-watt


    Profiler Rack - Guitar Preamp / Multi Effects Unit

    Line 6:

    HELIX Multi-effects Floor Processor

    FBV Express Floorboard for Amps or Pods

    Spider Valve 2 x 12" Combo Amp


    All Marshall cabinets have 75-watt Celestion speakers except for the 1960AV/BV

    1922 - 2 x 12" Cabinet

    1960A/1960 Lead - 4 x 12" Slant Cabinet

    1960A/900 Lead - 4 x 12" Slant Cabinet

    1960AX - 4 x 12" Slant Cabinet

    1960AV - 4 x 12" Slant Cabinet with Vintage 30 Speakers

    1960B/1960 Lead - 4 x 12" Straight Cabinet

    1960B/900 Lead - 4 x 12" Straight Cabinet

    1960BX - 4 x 12" Straight Cabinet

    1960BV - 4 x 12" Straight Cabinet with Vintage 30 Speakers

    JMP 1959HW - 2 Channel Hand-Wired Plexi Head 120-watt

    JCM 800 - Model 2210 - 100-watt, with reverb & effects loop

    JCM 800 - Model 2203 - 100-watt, Single Channel (no reverb or effects loop)

    JCM 900 - Model 4100 - 100-watt (with reverb & effects loop)

    JCM 2000 - Dual Super Lead 100 Head

    JCM 2000 - Triple Super Lead 100 Head

    JTM45/212 - Bluesbreaker 2 x 12" 45 watts

    JVM 410H - 4 Channel 100-watt Head


    DC30 - 30-watt class A, 2 x 12" Combo Amp

    Mesa Boogie / Mesa Engineering:

    1 x 12" - Speaker Cabinet Extension w/ Original EV Cone.

    2 x 12" - Vertical Slant Cabinet with two Celestion Black Shadow 12" Speakers

    4 x 12" - Slant Cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30 Speakers.

    Dual Rectifier - Solo Head - 3 Channel, 100-watt Tube Amp w/ Effects Loop

    Stiletto Deuce 100-watt Head

    Triple Rectifier - Solo Head - 3 Channel, 150-watt, Tube Amp with Effects Loop

    Lonestar 2 x 12" - Combo Amp with Switchable Power Options

    Lonestar Special 2 x 12" - Combo Amp with Switchable Power Options

    Mark III - 1 x 12" Combo, 100-watt Tube Amp with EQ and Effects Loop

    Mark IV - 1 x 12" Combo, 100-watt Tube Amp with EQ


    PPC-212V 2x12 Speaker Cabinet - Open Back

    PPC-412 - 4 x 12" Speaker Cabinet

    PPC - 412AD 4x12 Speaker Cabinet - Slanted

    AD30-HTC - Dual Channel 30-watt Head

    Rockerverb 50 MK III - Dual Channel 50-watt Head

    Rockerverb 100 MKIII - Dual Channel 100-watt Head


    Classic 50 - 4 x 10" Tube Combo with FX Loop or without FX Loop

    Classic 50 - 2 x 12” Combo amp with effects loop

    Nashville 400 - 1 x 15" - 200-watt Steel Guitar Amp


    JC120 - 2 x 12" Solid State Combo

    Cube 60 - 60-watt solid state modeling combo amp with 12" speaker


    California Blonde - 2 channel, 120-watt combo amp w/ 12" and tweeter

    Trace Elliot:

    Concert 100 - 2 channel Acoustic Guitar amp with FX Loop


    AC15 - Classic Custom 1 x 15" 30-watt combo

    AC 30 - 2 x 12" - 30-watt tube combo - No FX Loop with Bulldog speakers

    AC 30 CC - 2 x 12" - 30 watt tube combo - With FX Loop and Warfedale speakers

  • Aguilar:

    AG500 - 2 Channel, 500-watt Amp / Head

    AG700 - 2 Channel, 700-watt Amp / Head

    DB750 - 750-watt Head with all Tube Preamp

    DB751 - 750-watt Head with all Tube Preamp

    Tone Hammer 500 - 500-watt Amplifier

    DB115 - 1 x 15" Cabinet

    DB 410 - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    DB 412 - 4 x 12" Cabinet

    GS410 - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    GS412 - 4 x 12" Cabinet

    SL115 - 1 x 15" Cabinet

    SL212 - 2 x 12” Cabinet

    SL410 - 4 x 10" Cabinet


    SVT-VR - Vintage Reissue 300-watt silver face tube amp

    SVT CL - "Classic" Black face Reissue 300-watt Tube Amp

    SVT II - Rack-mounted 300-watt Tube Amp

    SVT III Pro - Rack mounted 250-watt Amp w/ Tube Preamp

    SVT 4 Pro - 1200-watt Amp w/ Tube Preamp

    B-15 - Vintage Single 15" 40-watt Flip Top Tube Combo Amp

    BA-115 Single 15" 100-watt Combo Amp

    SVT 115 HE - 1 x 15" Cabinet

    SVT 410 HE - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    SVT 410 HLF - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    SVT 810 - 8 x 10" Cabinet

    Pro Neo 115 HLF - 1 x 15" Cabinet

    Pro Neo 210 HLF - 2 x 10" Cabinet

    Pro Neo 410 HLF - 4 x 10" Cabinet


    ABM 500 EVO II -575-watt Amplifier

    ABM 900 EVO II - 575 + 575-watt Amplifier

    ABM 115 T - 300 Watt Single 15" Cabinet

    ABM 410T - 600-watt 4 x 10" Cabinet


    118 XLT - Single 18" Cabinet

    410 XLT - 4 x 10" Cabinet with Tweeter

    410 XST - 4 x 10” Cabinet with Tweeter

    WP 100 - 2 Channel Navigator Preamp

    WT800 - 800-watt Amp Head

    WT1250 - 2 Channel World Tour Power Amp, no pre-amp


    UL 901 - 1000-watt amp

    Tour 410 - 4 x 10" Bass Cabinet


    Bassman 800 - Hybrid 800W Bass Amp Head

    Bassman 410 NEO Enclosure - 8 ohm

    Bassman 115 Neo Enclosure - 8 ohm

    Super Bassman - 300-watt Amplifier

    Rumble 500 Bass Combo Amp - 2 x 10" 500-watt


    Fusion 550 - 550-watt amp with Motorized Controls and Horn Bi-Amp System

    400RB - 200-Watt Amp

    400RB MK IV - 280-watt Amp

    800RB - 300-watt LF, 100-watt HF

    MB-150S - Single 12" Combo

    1001RB - 700-watt LF, 50-watt HF

    2001RB - Dual Amplifier with two 540 watt and two 50-watt amp channels

    410 RBH - Biamped 4 x 10" with horn cabinet

    115 RBH - Biamped 1 x 15" with horn cabinet

    Neo 410 - 4 x 10” Cabinet

    Neo 412 - 4 x 12" Cabinet

    1001/212 - 2 x 12" Combo Amp


    7000 - Mono in / Stereo Amplifier - 350 watts / side

    Kilo 1000 - 2 x 500-watt Bass Amp Head w/ 10 band Graphic EQ -

    4.5 XL - 4 x 10" with Tweeter

    410XL - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    115XL - 1 x 15" Cabinet

    Mark Bass:

    Little Mark 800 Amplifier

    STD 104 HF - 4 x 10" 4-ohm Cabinet

    Mesa Boogie:

    115 - Single 15" cabinet with original EV 15L driver


    Big Ben - Single 18" Cabinet

    Bass 750 - 750-watt Bass Amplifier

    Goliath II - 4 x 10" Cabinet with Tweeter

    Goliath III - 4 x 10" Cabinet with Tweeter

    Goliath Jr. - 2 x 10" Cabinet with Tweeter

    Megaliath - 8 x 10" with Tweeter

    Redhead - 2 x 10" with Tweeter, 350-watt Combo

    SM400 - Mono input / Stereo Amplifier - 200-watt / side - 400-watt Mono Bridge

    SM900 - Mono input / Stereo Amplifier - 450-watt / side - 900-watt Mono Bridge

    Son of Bertha - 2-way Cabinet with 15" and Tweeter

    TC Electronic:

    Blacksmith - 1600-watt Amplifier

    RH750 - 750-watt Amplifier

    RS210 - 2 x 10" Cabinet

    RS212 - 2 x 12" Cabinet

    RS410 - 4 x 10" Cabinet

    Trace Elliot:

    AH200 - 200-Watt Head

    TA100 - Concert 2 x 5” & 1 x 12” Acoustic 100-watt Combo Amplifier


    W115 - 1 x 15" Cabinet


    AD200 MKIII Bass 200-Watt Head

    OBC410 4x10 Bass Cabinet

  • Boss:

    AC2 - Acoustics Simulator FX Pedal

    CEB 3 - Bass Chorus Pedal

    CE2 - Chorus Pedal

    CS3 - Compression Sustainer FX Pedal

    DD7 - Digital Delay Pedal

    FZ3 - Fuzz FX Pedal

    FV-500H - Volume Pedal

    GE7 - Equalizer FX Pedal

    LMB 3 - Bass Limiter Enhancer Pedal

    ME 50 - Multi Effects pedal board

    ME80 - Multi Effects pedal board

    OC2 - Octave FX Pedal

    OD3 - Overdrive FX Pedal

    ODB 3 - Bass Overdrive Pedal

    OS2 - Overdrive / Distortion FX Pedal

    NS2 - Noise Suppressor FX Pedal

    RV5 - Stereo Reverb FX Pedal

    SYB 3 - Bass Synthesizer Pedal

    TR2 - Tremolo Pedal

    TU2 - Tuner Pedal

    TU3 - Tuner Pedal

    Carl Martin:

    Carl Martin Compressor Limiter Pedal


    PDS 2700 - Double Play Pedal

    PDS 20/20 - Multi Function Digital Delay Pedal


    FX25 - Envelope Filter FX Pedal

    FX66 - Flashback Fuzz FX Pedal

    FX75-B - Stereo Flanger FX Pedal

    FX80-B - Compressor Sustainer Pedal

    FX96 - Echo Analog Delay FX Pedal

    DFX9 - Digital Delay

    Ernie Ball:

    2 Channel Volume Pedal


    TS9 - Tube Screamer

    TL5 - Tremolo Pedal

    Jim Dunlop:

    GCB-95 Model Original Cry Baby Wah Pedal

    The Talk Box model HT 1


    DT1 - Rack mounted Pro Tuner

    DTR1000 - Rack mount Tuner

    Line 6:

    DL4 - Delay Modeler

    Pod XT Live - Modeling Pedal Board


    EP1 - Expression Pedal


    SLDW - Slimline Distortion Wah Pedal

    Morley Bass Wah


    Micro Chorus Pedal

    Phase 90 FX Pedal

    Pro Co:

    The Rat - Vintage Model

  • Akai:

    MPC-3000 Drum Sampler


    Nord C2D - Two-tiered Drawbar Organ

    Nord Lead II - Analog Synth

    Nord Lead 2X - Analog Synth

    Nord Lead 4 - 49-key Analog Synth

    Nord Electro II - 73-key Virtual Analog Synthesizer

    Nord Electro 3 - 73-key Virtual Analog Synthesizer

    Nord Electro 4 SW73 - 73-note Keyboard

    Nord Electro 5D - 73-key keyboard

    Nord Electro 6D - 73-key keyboard

    Nord Stage 88 - 88-key Synthesizer with 3 Sound Sections and On-Board Effects

    Nord Stage 88EX - 88 key Synthesizer with 3 Sound Sections and On-Board Effects

    Nord Stage 2 - 88 Weighted Stage Piano

    Nord Stage 2 EX - 88 Weighted Stage Piano

    Nord Stage 3 - Ultra-Light 88-key Stage Piano

    Nord Stage 3 HP76 - Ultra-Light 76-key Stage Piano with Hammer Action keys

    Nord Stage 4 - 88-key Keyboard

    Dave Smith Instruments:

    Prophet 6 - Analog Synthesizer


    73 - Rhodes Stage Piano

    73 - Rhodes Suitcase Piano

    88 - Rhodes Suitcase Piano

    Hammond / Leslie / Trek:

    B3 - Organ with Original Bench and Pedals

    XB 2 - 61-key, Single Drawbar Manual Organ

    XK 2 - 61-key, Single Drawbar Manual Organ

    XK 3-C - 61-key, Single Drawbar Manual Organ

    XK-3 Lower Manual

    EXP 100A - Expression Pedal

    122 - Tone Cabinet for Hammond B3, XK2, XB2 and Roland VK7

    145 - Tone Cabinet for Hammond B3, XK2, XB2 and Roland VK7

    147 - Tone Cabinet for Hammond B3, XK2, XB2 and Roland VK7

    Model 020875 - Leslie Combo Preamp Pedal

    Trek II UC 1A - Combo Preamp Pedal


    D6 - Clavinet


    CX3 – 61-Key Combo Organ

    Kronos X - 73-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Kronos X - 88-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Krome - 73-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Kronos 2 - 61-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Kronos 2 - 73-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Kronos 2 - 88-key Synthesizer Workstation

    Micro Korg - 37-key Compact Analog Modeling Synth w/ 8-band Vocoder & Microphone

    M1 - 61-key Synthesizer Workstation

    M3 - 61-key Music Station Sampler w/ RADIAS Expansion Board

    M3 - 76-key Music Station Sampler w/ RADIAS Expansion Board

    M3 - 88-key Music Station Sampler

    M1R - Rack Module of M1 Synth

    MS2000B - Analog Modeled Synthesizer with Microphone

    O1W/FD - 61-key Synth with Floppy Drive

    Prologue 16 - 61-key 16-voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer

    R3 - Synth

    SV-1 - 73-key Vintage Stage Piano

    SV-1 - 88-key Vintage Stage Piano

    Trinity Pro - 76-key Workstation & Sequencer

    Trinity Pro V3 - 76-key Workstation & Sequencer

    Triton LE - 61-key Workstation & Sequencer

    Triton - 61-key Workstation & Sequencer

    Triton Pro - 76-key Workstation & Sequencer (1 with SCSI, Moss Card and full memory)

    Triton Pro X - 88 Weighted Key Workstation & Sequencer

    Triton Studio Pro - 76-key Workstation/Sequencer (with SCSI and internal hard drive)

    Triton Extreme 61 - 61-key Music Workstation/Sampler with Tube Output

    Triton Extreme 76 - 76-key Music Workstation/Sampler with Tube Output

    Triton Extreme 88 - 88 Weighted Key Workstation/Sampler with Tube Output


    K2500XS - 88 Weighted Key, SCSI, Memory, Orchestral Board, Piano Board

    K2600XS - 88 Weighted Key, 128MB Memory (Orchestral Board, Piano Board, and Contemporary Board)

    PC88MX - 88 Weighted Key Piano

    PC2X - 88 Weighted Key w/ Orchestral General Midi Board

    PC3K8 - 88-key Keyboard Workstation

    Moog Music:

    Little Fatty Stage 2 Modeling Synth

    Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue Analog Synth - Monophonic Analog Performance Synthesizer

    Sub 37 - Tribute Edition Analog Synth

    M Audio:

    Axiom 61 - 61 Semi-Weighted Keys USB Controller

    Radium 61 - 61 Semi-Weighted Keys USB Controller


    61SL MKII - 61 Semi-Weighted USB MIDI Controller


    AX-Synth - Shoulder Synthesizer

    A90EX - 88 Weighted Key, Controller w/ Sounds

    D-50 - 61-key Synth

    Fantom X6 - 61-key Workstation

    Fantom X7 - w/ String Expansion Board

    Fantom X8 - 88 Weighted Key Workstation

    Fantom XR - Sound Module

    Fantom G7 - 76 Key Workstation

    Fantom G8 - 88 Weighted Key Workstation

    Gaia SH-01 - 37-key Virtual Analog Synth

    Integra 7 - Rack Sound Module

    JDXA - 49-key Analog/Digital Crossover Synth

    JD800 - 61-key Analog/Digital Synth

    JP 8000 - Analog Synth

    Juno G - Workstation Keyboard

    Jupiter 80 - 76-key Synthesizer

    JV2080 - Timbral Rack Module

    JV80 - 61-key Synth

    KC500 - 3 Channel Keyboard Amp

    RD 700 - 88 Weighted Key Digital Stage Piano

    RD 700GX - 88 Weighted Key Digital Stage Piano

    RD 700NX - 88 Weighted Key

    RD800 - 88 Weighted Stage Piano

    RD2000 -88 Weighted Digital Piano

    SH201 - 49-key Analog Synthesizer

    VK-7 - Single Manual Combo Organ

    VK-8 - Single Manual Combo Organ

    XP-30 - 61-key Workstation

    XP-50 - 61k-ey Workstation

    XP-80 - 76-key Workstation

    XV-88 - 88 Weighted Key Synth Controller with Sounds

    XV5080 - Timbral rack and Sampler Playback

    V Synth - 61-key Synth w/ Multiple Oscillator Technology

    V Synth GT - 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler with Touch-screen Display, Dual-core Sound Generator, and 28 Voices of Polyphony

    Roland Expansion Boards:

    SRX 02 - Concert Piano Wave Expansion Board

    SRX 03 - Studio Expansion Board

    SRX 04 - Symphonique Strings Wave Expansion Board

    SRX 07 - Ultimate Keys Expansion board

    SRX 09 - World Collection

    SRX 12 - Classic EPs expansion board

    SR-JV80-01 - Pop Card

    SR-JV80-04 - Vintage Synth Card

    SR-JV80-05 - World Card

    SR-JV80-07 - Super Sounds Card

    SR-JV80-08 - 60’s & 70’s Sound Card

    SR-JV80-09 - Session Expansion Board

    SR-JV80-12 - Hip Hop Expansion Board

    SR-JV80-16 - Orchestral Card


    200A - Wurlitzer Piano with Original Chrome Legs and Sustain Pedal


    CVP 309 PE - Polished Ebony Clavinova Series 3'9" digital piano. 948 voices, 3-level sampling, 16 track sequencing and many more features make this a great alternative to an acoustic piano when budget or space is a concern!

    CP300 - 88 Weighted Keyboard

    CP 4 Stage - 88 Weighted Key Digital Piano

    Montage 6 - 61-key Synth

    Montage 7 - 76-key Synth

    Montage 8 - 88-key Synth

    MOTIF 7 - 76-key Workstation

    MOTIF 8 - 88-key Workstation

    MOTIF ES6 - 61-key "Expanded System" Music Production Synthesizer / Sequencer

    MOTIF ES7 - 76-key "Expanded System" Music Production Synthesizer / Sequencer

    MOTIF ES8 - 88-key "Expanded System" Music Production Synthesizer / Sequencer

    MOTIF XS7 - 76-key Music Production Synthesizer / Sequencer

    MOTIF XS8 - 88-key Music Production Synthesizer / Sequencer

    MOTIF XF6 - 61-key Workstation with FSX Synth-Action Keyboard, 741 MB Wave ROM and 1024 Voices

    MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation with FSX Synth-action keyboard, 741 MB Wave ROM and 1024 voices

    MOTIF XF8 - 88-key Workstation w/ Balance Hammer-Effect Keyboard, 741 MB Wav ROM, and 1024 voices

    Motif Rack ES - Motif ES Sound Module

    P200 - 88 Weighted Key Sample Grand Piano with Built-in Speakers

    P250 - 88 Weighted Key Sample Grand Piano with built-in Speakers

    S80 - 88 Weighted Key Piano / Synth / Workstation

    S90ES - 88 Weighted Key Piano / Synth / Workstation

    Yamaha Plug in Boards:

    PLG 150 AN - Analog Physical Modeling Plugin Board

    PLG 150 DR - Drums Plugin Board

    PLG 150 DX - Advanced DX / TX Plugin Board

    PLG 150 PF - Piano Plug-in Board

    PLG 150 VL - Virtual Acoustic Plugin Board

    Stands, Accessories, etc:

    Invisible - Single Key "Invisible" Stand

    Quicklok - Single, Double, and Triple Tier X-Style Stand

    Quicklok - Single and Double Tier Table-Style Stand

    Quicklok - Double Tier Monolith Stand

    Quicklok - Double Tier Z Stand

    Quicklok - Keyboard Bench

    Ultimate Support - Apex 2 and 3 Tier Stands w/ Long Arms

    Stereo Volume Pedals:

    Boss - FV50

    Boss - FV 200

    Boss - FV 300

    Boss - FV 500L

    Korg - KVP 001

    Korg - KVP 002

    Proel - PVP 14

    RFX - RFX 412

    Roland - EV 5

    Yamaha Swell Pedal

    Sustain Pedals:


    M Audio




    Piano Shells:

    Black 4’9” Piano Shell*

    Black 5’6” Piano Shell*

    Natural Finish Spinet Piano Shell

    Black Plan B 6’ Piano Shell*

    * Comes with artist bench

  • Paiste, Sabian, Meinl, and Zildian Cymbals: Available in various shapes and sizes.

    Bucks County Drums:

    White Oyster Wrap - 22x15 BD, 10x7, 12x8, 14x13 FT, 16x15 FT

    Waterfall Bubinga - 22x15 BD, 10x8, 12x9, 14x13 FT, 16x15 FT


    Player Date II, Satin Walnut - 22x14 BD, 13x8, 15x15FT, 18x15FT


    Reflex Series, Black Wrap - 20x20BD, 22x20BD, 8x7, 10x7, 12x8, 13x9, 14x12FT, 16x14FT, 18x16FT


    Collectors Series, Broken Glass Ply Finish / Maple Shells - 18x16BD, 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 24x18BD, 26x16BD, 8x7, 10x8, 10x9, 12x8, 12x9, 12x10, 13x9, 13x10, 14x12, 16x13RT, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Collectors Series, Solid Black Ply Finish / Maple Shells - 18x16BD, 20x16BD, 22x16BD, 24x16BD, 24x18BD, 8x7, 8x8, 10x8, 10x9, 12x8, 12x10, 13x9, 13x10, 14x11RT, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Collectors Series, Ebony Satin Oil Finish / Maple Shells - 20x18BD, 22x16BD, 24x18BD, 26x18BD, 8x7, 10x7, 10x8, 10x9, 12x8, 12x9, 12x10, 13x9, 13x10, 14x11RT, 16x16RT, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Collectors Series, Mother of Pearl / Maple Shells - 22x18BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 14x11RT, 16x13RT, 16x16FT


    New Classic Maple / Ivory Marine Pearl - 18x14BD, 10x8, 12x8, 14x14FT

    Renown Maple / Black Lacquer - 20x18BD, 22x18BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 13x10, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Renown Maple / Tobacco Burst - 22x18BD, 24x16BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 13x9, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT


    Silver Sparkle / Classic Maple - 20x16BD, 22x16BD, 24x16BD, 10x8, 12x8, 12x9, 13x9, 14x11, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Black Oyster Pearl / Vintage Maple - 22x14BD, 20x14BD, 12x8, 13x9, 14x14FT, 16x16FT


    Saturn 5 / Satin Black Maple & Walnut Shells - 20x18BD, 22x18BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 13x10, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT


    Bubinga - Aqua Fade - 22x18BD, 10x8, 12x9, 14x14FT, 16x16FT


    Reference Pure Maple Kit - Black Lacquer - 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 24x18BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 13x9, 13x10, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Masters Custom MMX Series w/ Green Maple Shells - 20x14BD, 22x16BD, 24x16BD, 8x7, 8x8, 10x8, 10x10, 12x8, 12x9, 12x10, 13x11, 14x12RT, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT


    Vintage Holiday Silver - 22x14BD, 12x8, 13x9, 16x16FT


    Trilogy Maple - 18x14BD, 10x7, 12x8, 14x14FT

    The Almighty Maple, Tobacco Fade - 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 26x16BD, 8x7, 10x7, 10x8, 12x8, 12x9, 13x8, 14x12FT, 16x14FT, 18x15FT


    S Classix, Gold Sparkle Birch - 18x15BD, 22x17.5BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x8, 12x9, 13x10, 14x14, 16x16


    StarClassic Bubinga Chameleon Sparkle - 18x14BD, 22x18BD, 24x18BD, 8x7, 10x7, 10x8, 12x8, 12x9, 13x9, 14x12FT, 14x14FT, 16x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Star Classic Purple, Maple shells - 18x18BD, 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 24x18BD, 8x8, 10x8, 10x9, 12x9, 12x11, 13x11, 14x12RT, 14x14FT, 16x15FT, 18x16FT


    Studio Maple, Burgundy Red - 18x16BD, 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 24x18BD, 8x8, 10x8.5, 12x9, 13x10, 14x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT


    Absolute Maple / Honey Yellow - 18x14BD, 20x16BD, 22x18BD, 24x16BD, 8x7, 10x7.5, 10x8, 12x8, 10x9, 12x8, 12x9, 12x10, 13x9, 13x10, 14x12RT, 16x14RT, 14x14FT, 15x14FT, 16x16FT, 18x16FT

    Maple Custom / Tobacco - 20x16BD, 22x16BD, 8x7, 8x8, 10x8, 10x9, 12x8, 12x10, 14x12RT, 16x14RT, 14x14FT, 16x16FT

    Oak Custom / York Honey Amber – 22x17BD, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 13x10, 14x12RT, 16x14RT, 14x14FT, 15x14FT, 16x16FT

    Recording Custom / Black shells - 18x14BD, 20x16BD, 22x16BD, 24x14BD, 8x7, 10x7, 10x9, 12x8, 12x10, 13x9, 13x11, 14x13FT, 16x15FT, 18x16FT

  • Bucks County Drums:

    14” x 5” White Oyster Wrap

    14” x 6.5” Waterfall Bubinga

    14” x 7” Cherry

    Drum Workshop Snare Drums:

    13" x 5.5" Aluminum Shell

    13" x 6" Maple Shell Black

    14" x 4" Birch Shell Black Wrap

    14" x 4" Solid Brass

    14" x 5" Maple Shell Cherry Stain

    14"x 5" Maple Shell / Edge Brass

    14" x 5" Maple Shell Marine Pearl

    14" x 5" Vintage Brass Shell

    14" x 5.5" Maple Shell Black Stain

    14" x 5.5" Maple Shell Black Wrap

    14" x 5.5" Solid Bronze

    14" x 5.5" Stainless Steel

    14" x 6" Maple Shell Brass Edge White Glass

    14" x 6" Maple Shell Natural Finish

    14" x 6" Maple Shell Natural Lacquer Finish

    14" x 6.5" Brass Shell Chrome Finish

    14" x 6.5" Maple Shell Cherry Fade

    14” x 6.5" Steel Shell Chrome Finish

    Gretsch Snare Drums:

    14" x 5" Renown Maple

    Ludwig Snare Drums:

    14" x 5" Birch Classic

    14” x 5” Black Beauty Brass Shell Black

    14” x 6.5” Black Beauty Brass Shell Black

    14” x 8” Black Beauty Brass Shell Black

    14” x 5” Classic Black Oyster Pearl

    14” x 6.5” Classic Black Oyster Pearl

    13” x 6.5” Classic Maple Mahogany

    14” x 6.5” Classic Maple Silver Sparkle

    14” x 6.5” Super Series Chrome Over Brass Shell

    14” x 5” Supra-Phonic Chrome

    14” x 6.5” Supra-Phonic Bronze Shell

    14” x 6.5” Supra-Phonic Chrome

    14” x 6.5” Supra-Sensitive Bronze Shell

    Mapex Snare Drums:

    14" x 5.5" Saturn Pro Emerald Green

    14" x 5.5" Retrosonic Natural Walnut

    14" x 5.5" Brass Cat Antique Brass

    13” x 7" Blaster Natural Burst Walnut

    Noble and Cooley Snare Drums:

    14” x 5" SS Classic Maple Black

    Pearl Snare Drums:

    14” x 12” CMS Marching Snare White

    14” x 12” CMSX Marching Snare White

    12” x 14” Caixa w/ strap

    12” x 7” Effects Soprano Maple

    13” x 3” Effects Piccolo Steel

    12” x 5” Firecracker Poplar

    14” x 3.5” Free-Floating Piccolo Maple

    14” x 5.5” Free-Floating Maple

    14” x 6.5” Free-Floating Maple

    14” x 6.5” Free-Floating Steel

    14” x 5” Masters Custom Maple Green

    14” x 5.5” Masters Custom Maple Sunburst

    14” x 6.5” Masters Custom Maple Blue

    13” x 3” Piccolo Maple

    13” x 6.5” Reference Piano Black

    14” x 5” Reference Piano Black

    14” x 5” Sensitone Elite Brass

    14” x 6.5” Sensitone Elite Brass

    14” x 6.5” Dennis Chambers Signature

    14” x 6.5” Steve Ferrone

    14” x 5” Ultracast Aluminum

    14” x 5.5” World Series Maple/Mahogany


    14" x 5" Vintage 1964 Holiday Silver Sparkle

    14" x 5" Dyna-Sonic Chrome Plated Brass

    Sakae Snare Drums:

    14" x 5.5" - Mint Oyster Pearl

    13" x 6.5" - The Almighty Maple Tobacco Fade

    14" x 6.5" The Almighty Maple Tobacco Fade

    Sonor Snare Drums:

    10" x 2" Force 3007 Jungle Snare

    14" x 5" S-Classix Ebony Finish

    14" x 5" S-Classix Gold Sparkle Finish

    14" x 6" Hi Lite Maple Shell White

    Tama Snare Drums:

    14" x 5.5" Starclassic Bubinga Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle

    13" x 6" Starclassic Bubinga Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle

    14" x 6.5" Starclassic Bubinga Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle

    14" x 8" Starclassic Bubinga Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle

    14" x 5.5" Starclassic Maple Violet Shade

    14" x 6.5" Starclassic Maple Violet Shade

    13" x 3" Starclassic Steel

    14" x 5.5" Starclassic Steel Chrome Finish

    Taye Snare Drums:

    14" x 5" Studio Maple Burgundy Red

    14" x 5.5" Studio Maple Burgundy Red

    14" x 6" Studio Maple Black

    Yamaha Snare Drums:

    Yamaha Marching Snare White

    14” x 6” Absolute Hybrid Black

    13” x 4” Absolute Maple Cherry

    13” x 5.5” Absolute Maple Honey Yellow

    14” x 4” Absolute Maple Honey Yellow

    14” x 5.5” Absolute Maple Honey Yellow

    14” x 5.5” Absolute Maple Natural

    14” x 7” Birch Custom

    13” x 6.5” Brass Series

    14” x 3.5” Brass Series Piccolo

    14” x 5.5” Copper Series

    14” x 6.5” Copper Series

    14” x 5.5” Live Custom Emerald Shadow Sunburst

    14” x 4” Maple Custom Green Stain

    10” x 5.5” Maple Series Popcorn

    13” x 6.5” Musashi Series

    14” x 5.5” Oak Custom York Honey Amber

    14” x 6.5” Recording Custom Aluminum

    14” x 6.5” Recording Custom Brass

    14” x 6.5” Recording Custom Black

    14” x 6.5” Recording Custom Grey

    14” x 4” Peter Erskine Signature

    14” x 6” Anton Fig Signature

    14” x 6.5” Manu Katche Signature

    10” x 5.5” Steel Series Popcorn

    14” x 5.5” Steel Series

  • Gon Bops:

    Tumbao Pro Bongos - Walnut Stain

    Congas - Walnut Stain - 10.75" Quinto, 11.5" Conga, 12.25" Tumba

    Latin Percussion:

    Bata Drums - Small, Medium and Large with Stand

    Bongos Generation II and III

    “Giovanni” Bongos

    Congas - Multiple sets of "Classic" and "Giovanni" series - Requinto, Quinto, Conga and Tumba sizes with Natural and Synthetic Heads

    Percussion Tables and mountable trays

    Timbalitos - 9" and 10" Brass


    12" & 13" Chrome

    13” & 14” Brass

    13" & 14" Brass Tito Puente Series

    14" & 15" Brass Tito Puente Series


    22” and 24” Aluminum Surdo Drums

    Cajon with Snares


    13" & 14" Chrome Timbales


    Djembe 10", 12" and 14"

    Djembe 16" Key Tuned

    Gibraltar Djembe Stands


    Custom Deluxe - Quinto, Conga, Tumba

    Custom Deluxe - Bongos

    Custom Series - 14” and 15” Timbales

    Cajon - Alex Acuna Small Flamenco Cajon

    Toys and Hand Percussion:

    Mini Raw Hide Maracas






    LP one Shot



    Mark Tree

    Cresent Tambourine


    Rain Stick

    Finger Cymbals

    Sleigh Bells



    Granite Blocks

    Variety of Shakers

    Headed Tambourine

    Mountable Tambourine


    Jam Blocks



    Wood Blocks

  • Akai:

    MPC 3000 – Sampler / Drum Machine


    DM5 - Drum Module


    HPD 15

    SPD 11

    SPD 20

    SPD S


    TD 20

    BT1 - Bar Trigger Pad

    PD8 - 8" Rubber Dual Trigger Pad

    PD9 - 9" Rubber Dual Trigger Pad

    RT-5S Dual Acoustic Drum Trigger

    RT-7K Acoustic Kick Drum Trigger

    HPD20 - Handsonic Sampling Pad

    SPD30 - Sampling Pad

    MDS-59KV - Drum Rack

    TD-50 - V-Drum Sound Module

    KD-220 - 22" V-Kick Drum

    PD-140DS - Digital Snare Drum

    PD-108-BC - 10" V-Tom

    PD-128-BC - 12" V-Tom

    MDH-25 - Tom Mount Arm

    MDY-25 - Cymbal Mount Arm

    CY-18DR - 18" Digital Ride

    VH-13 - 13" V-Hat

    RT-30HR - Dual Acoustic Drum Trigger

    RT-30K - Kick Drum Trigger

    KT-10 - Kick Trigger Pedal

    KD-7 - Kick Trigger w/Beater

    V Drums:

    TD20 - Percussion Sound Module

    KD120 - 12" V Kick Pad

    PD105 - 10" Dual Trigger Mesh V-Pad

    PD125 - 12" Dual Trigger Mesh V-Pad

    VH12 - V Hi Hats

    CY 14C - 14" V Cymbal Crash

    CY 15R - 15" V Cymbal Ride


    DTX-12M - Multi Electronic Percussion Pad

    DT-20 - Drum Trigger

  • Deagan 2 1/2 Octave Glockenspiel / Orchestral Bells

    Deagan Orchestral Chimes with Damper

    Musser 2 1/2 Octave Glockenspiel / Orchestra Bells

    Musser Concert Grand Marimba - 4-1/3 octave

    Musser 26" and 29" Timpani Drums

    Musser M55 Vibraphones

    Musser M42 - 3 octave Pit Xylophone with Kelon Bars

    Musser M51 - 4 octave Pit Xylophone with Kelon Bars

    Musser Xylophone

    Paiste - Crotale - 1 Octave and 2 Octave sets with multiple stand options

    Sabian 24" Symphonic Gong with stand

    Steve Weis 33" Gong with Stand

    Yamaha 23", 26", 29" and 32" Timpani Drums

    Premier 32" Concert Bass Drum

    20" Gong Bass Drum

  • Ultimate Apex Stands

    Ultimate A Frame Stands

    Quick Lock, Single and Double Tier Stands

    ROK Double and Single Tier Stands

    Quick Lock Table Top Stands

    Quick Lock Bench

    Piano Bench

    Invisible Stands

    Guitar Stands, Acoustic and A Frame

    Sax, Trumpet, Trombone Stands

    Music Stands and Lights

    Speaker Stands, Short and Tall

    Upright Bass Stands

  • 10’ x 10’ Pop Up Tents

    110 to 220 Step Up Transformers

    250 MB Zip Drive w/ SCSI

    Barstools, Tall and Short, Backless and Backed

    Box Fans

    Clip Lights and Music Stands


    Symetrix SX204 Headphone Amps - 1 in/4 out

    Headphone Amps and Remote Station

    ISO Boxes

    ISO Transformers

    Podiums, Floor Standing Oak Podiums

    Cable Ramps

    Sandbags - 20 lb.

  • Native Instruments:

    Traktor Kontrol S2 - DJ Control Surface


    Launchpad Pro III - 64 Pad Midi Grid Controller


    CDJ 2000 Nexus - Multi Format Music / CD Player

    CDJ 2000 Nexus 2 - Multi Format Music / CD Player

    CDJ 3000 - Multi Format Music / CD Player

    DJM 800 - Four Channel Professional DJ Mixer

    DJM 900 Nexus - Four Channel Professional DJ Mixer

    DJM 900 Nexus 2- Four Channel Professional DJ Mixer

    DJM - S9 - Two Channel Battle Mixer with Serato

    DJM - S11 - Two Channel Battle Mixer with Serato

    DDJ-SX2 - Four Channel Controller with Serato

    PLX 1000 - Turntable


    SL3 - Serato Interface

    SL4 - Serato Interface

    TTM57 -Professional DJ Mixer w/ Serato

    TTM Sixty-Two - Professional DJ Mixer with Built in Serato


    SL1200 MK III - Professional Direct Drive Turntable

    SL1200 MK V - Professional Direct Drive Turntable

Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm